Apply now: Recruiting Purchasing Assistant

(Fill In English)

Personal information

Education Background

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Foreign Language

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Experience (Enter the last 2 companies)

Contact Reference (optional):

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Upload paper application form (Fill in English)

Download the sample file here Go back and fill in all the information then upload the file in the form below

(Upload file size must be less than 1MB)

From what source did you know the company (Tick the appropriate box)

1. Have you ever worked in LGDVH * Yes No
2. Do you have friends and relatives who are working at LGD? * Yes No
3. Can you work in 12 hours (night shift and day shift) * Yes No
4. Do you have to pay any fees when applying to LG Display * Yes No

From what source did you know the company *

I hereby declare that I don’t have any legal obligations with my previously companies.
I also hereby certify that the above information is complete and true. If there is any information that is not true, I am totally responsible for my duty
I do not have to pay any expenses to the company's recruitment officer to have the opportunity to work at the company. I applied to the company voluntarily and without coercion.

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